Fractional CMO

Don't Be A Business Martyr — Let Atlas Marketing Group's Fractional CMOs Supercharge Your Revenue

Stop treading water with aimless marketing and accelerate to revenue supremacy. We're not just any Fractional CMOs; we're your ticket to unstoppable growth.

Before you spend a dime on advertising, landing pages, social media, and influencers, you must establish a clear path to success. Most businesses make the mistake of assuming that their growth obstacle is strictly related to their inflow of new business. What makes our agency different is the strategy, perspective, and insight we provide to businesses. Whether you are a startup that needs to grow aggressively quickly or an international company looking to expand your reach into new markets while maintaining consistent growth in your current markets. You need a sales and marketing strategy that your company can rally around.

A chief marketing officer will ensure that your sales and marketing departments are efficient in increasing market share. Additionally, they provide the necessary guidance for creatives and sales specialists to create meaningful campaigns that connect with your intended audience and drive sales to your organization. Our CFO package allows us to create a strategy with measurable results, KPI’s, and benchmarks to ensure your sales departments can produce results with little friction.

Your competition is not waiting for you to catch up. Neither should you. Click to discover how our Fractional CMO services can catapult your business into the stratosphere.

Before You Bleed Another Dollar on Half-Baked Advertising, Read This:

What is a Fractional CMO?

Ever wondered why your marketing falls flat? Why your ads don’t convert, and your funnels leak like a sieve? Enter the Fractional CMO — a turbocharged strategist and execution maestro who plugs directly into your organization without the exorbitant full-time C-suite salary.

We ensure your marketing doesn't just look good but aggressively drives business growth, setting ablaze the track records and obliterating benchmarks.

Fractional CMOPackages

Listen up, Business Trailblazers and Empire-Builders. You’re not in the market for another "fixer-upper" solution. You want to skyrocket your revenue, right? If you're nodding your head in agreement, let's cut through the fluff.

Most businesses get it wrong. Dead wrong. They pour money into ads like water down the drain. But what if I told you your issue isn't just inflow? It’s strategy. This is where the Essential Fractional CMO package earns its name. Without a proper CMO, you might as well be gambling your business future.

Why Atlas
Marketing Group

Let's be brutally honest. You don't just want another vendor peddling marketing platitudes. You want a conductor. Someone to orchestrate your sales and marketing units into a symphony of ROI. That’s exactly what our Essential Fractional CMO package is designed to do.

We’re not just making your marketing team more effective; we're transforming your marketing team into a revenue-generating machines. The kind that creates campaigns so magnetic, your audience can’t help but be drawn in.

Fractional CMO: Essential Package

Unleashing Business Potential, One Strategy at a Time.

Whats In the Box

🎯    Complete Sales & Marketing Audit:  You can't navigate a maze blindfolded. Our initial deep-dive audit is your North Star. We pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses, laying the groundwork for a strategy designed not just to succeed, but to dominate.

🎯    90-Day Goal and Execution Plan:  In just three months, we aim to turn your business into a powerhouse. Forget those aimless monthly check-ins. We're giving you a 90-day blitz of concentrated action.

🎯    Monthly Check-ins with Marketing Staff:  Your team isn't just a cog in the machine; they're the engine. Our monthly touchpoints keep everyone aligned and inspired. No one's going off-script on our watch.

🎯    Guidance and Direction for All Marketing Efforts:  Think of us as your marketing GPS. From SEO to Social Media, from PPC to Creative Campaigns, we’re the sherpa guiding you through the labyrinth of modern marketing.

Fractional CMO: Accelerator Package

Unshackle Your Potential; Turbocharge Your Ascent

So, you've tasted success. Now, you're hungry for more—much more. Maybe you're wondering, "Is this as good as it gets?" The answer is an emphatic, "Hell no!" Meet the Accelerator Fractional CMO Package, the next echelon of business growth.

Why You Need This Package

You're not new to the game. You have a seasoned marketing team, campaigns that perform decently, and a reliable sales funnel. But let's be real: "Decent" and "reliable" are not words that set the world on fire. You're not looking to play the game; you're looking to own it.

If the Essential Fractional CMO package was a jet engine, the Accelerator is rocket fuel. We're not just speeding up your journey to the moon; we're ensuring you plant your flag there first.

What You Can Expect From Your New Arsenal

🚀   Complete Sales & Marketing Audit:  We dig deeper, dissecting not just your strategies but also your outcomes. This audit is your roadmap to astronomic growth.

🚀    30-Day Benchmarking:  What gets measured gets managed. In the first month alone, we set specific performance benchmarks. You'll know precisely where you stand—and how far you're about to leap.

🚀    90-Day Goal and Execution Plan:  Your business should be a Rolls Royce, not a rickshaw. Our 90-day action plan takes your business from 'doing okay' to 'doing phenomenally,' pushing the boundaries of what you thought was possible.

🚀    Monthly Check-ins with Marketing Staff:  Your team is the heart of your operation. Regular check-ins ensure your marketing muscle is in peak condition, ready to deliver.

🚀   Project Management for Marketing Projects:  Marketing isn't a to-do list; it's a complex puzzle. We manage the moving pieces so that you focus on what you do best: running your empire.

🚀   Guidance and Direction for All Marketing Efforts:  We're not just in the passenger seat; we're your co-pilots. From creative campaigns to customer funnels, we steer you clear of pitfalls and detours.